Tortuga x GYA Gap Year Scholarship

Tortuga is a proud supporter of the Gap Year Association (GYA). The Gap Year Association is a nonprofit membership community for educators, students, gap year programs, and post-secondary institutions who believe that gap year experiences offer invaluable opportunities for personal, professional, and educational growth and development.


The Scholarship

We work together with GYA to award a gap year scholarship to one student each year. The winner of the Tortuga x GYA Gap Year Scholarship will receive:

  • $2,500 scholarship to be used for room and board, travel, and/or program tuition for a gap year experience occurring between 1/1/2024 and 12/31/2024.
  • 1 travel backpack

Funds will be sent directly to the winner. A report summarizing how the funds were used including proof of receipts will be required by 1/15/2025.


Eligibility Requirements

To apply for the Tortuga x GYA Gap Year Scholarship, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 22 during your gap year.
  • Have a gap year plan that is at least two months in duration and will take place between 1/1/2024 and 12/31/2024.

Please check your eligibility before applying.

If you're doing a study abroad semester, check out our Study Abroad Scholarship.


Important Dates

Submit your application by 11:50 p.m. October 29, 2023. The winner will be announced on November 15, 2023.


How to Apply

Before applying, read all of the instructions and eligibility requirements on this page. Then, fill out the application linked below. Only one submission per person will be accepted. The winner may be featured on our blog, social media accounts, and alumni page.

The Gap Year Grant for 2024 has been awarded. Applications for 2024 are current closed. Please check back next year.

For any questions, contact GYAIf you're looking for the Study Abroad Scholarship, click here.


    About Tortuga

    The Gap Year Scholarship is sponsored by Tortuga

    Tortuga makes carry-on-sized backpacks to make your travels easier. Childhood best friends Fred Perrotta and Jeremy Michael Cohen founded the company in 2010 after a backpacking trip to Eastern Europe.

    We couldn't find the perfect travel backpack, so we made it. Read more about Tortuga.



    All written submissions become property of Tortuga and may be posted on our website, blog, social media accounts, or elsewhere as we see fit.

    You will not be added to any mailing lists by applying for the scholarship. If you are interested in Tortuga products, you can join our newsletter by signing up in the footer of this page.